mardi 7 janvier 2014

Php Mysql blog tutorial, creating a simple and secured blog


php mysql blog

On today's tutorial we will talk about creating a blog on php and mysql

Table of contest:
1. Connecting to mysql database
2. Creating mysql tables
3. Coding the blog


Connecting to mysql database is simple, in just few lines of code

Before we start i suggest you read Php Mysql posting to database for better understanding of mysql.

// connecting to host
mysql_connect("host", "user", "password"); // replace this with your data
mysql_select_db("your_database"); // database name here

Creating database, tables and columns
Now let's build the mysql table.
First build a database if you haven't, and dont forget to edit the connection details at the top.
Click on databases
php mysql blog
Set a name to it and click create.
Now we must build the tables:
mysql create tables
Click 'go', a new table will popup, complete those fields like in the pocture below:
Scroll down and click save.
Last one, click on posts and insert tab at top, write something to title, and id live empty.

Now lets continue coding the blog

// connecting to host
mysql_connect("host", "user", "password"); // replace this with your data
mysql_select_db("your_database"); // database name here

// lets build a blog
$post = $_GET['post'];

// first of all we will check string length
if(strlen($post) > 11){ // if post id is bigger than 11 charachters
die('Blog post nof found.');
// now we will make sure that the post id is numeric and this is a nice security method
if(is_numeric($post)){ // is numeric allows numbers only
$post = (int)$post; // and the int function, which replace every
// string to its correspoing number

// for the tutorial im gonna add mysql_real_escape_string
// but is not really needed in this case
$post = mysql_real_escape_string($post); // final sqli defense

// final part
$query = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM posts WHERE id=$post LIMIT 1");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
echo $row['title'];

else{ // if post is not numeric then
die('Blog post nof found.'); // post does not exist

// if post is not submitted display them all
$query = mysql_query("SELECT title, id FROM posts");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
echo $row['title'];
echo $row['id'];
echo '<a href="?post='.$id.'">'.$title.'</a><br>';
Few last tips!

I used LIMIT 1 on the first mysql query.
That's done for 2 main pruposes:
1. we are only displaying 1 result
2. it's a nice speed optinization for mysql
To display blog posts by newest ones replace

SELECT title, id FROM posts
SELECT title, id FROM posts ORDER BY id DESC
It's a simple blog who does the work.
If you want to learn more about sql injection we suggest Sql Injection prevention tutorial

crée par :

Mohamed EL BASRI 21 ans, technicien supérieur en administration des systems informatiques, intéressé par le monde de web, et les nouvelles technologies.C'est pourquoi j'ai créé ce blog pour partage mes connaissances, problèmes et solutions.

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